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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hobo Diaries: My Blog Sucks Now, But I'm Not Sorry

I got a job. A real job. A job with a salary, and benefits and everything. And (the best part) it's the job that I wanted. I am proud to say that your tax dollars are now going into my bank account. Well... not a lot of your tax dollars, let's be honest. I'm keeping the other job waiting tables.

The downside is that I'm exhausted. I started a week and a half ago, but after last time, I wanted to wait to talk about it until all the papers were signed. And then I was too tired to care, and I just suck.

I also haven't read the paper in a week and a half, nor have I really cared. I do, however, know all about the Hyde Amendment to the UN bill and the funding cut for PBS (you should seriously call your Congressperson to protest this, as PBS rocks. Unless you live in the Xth District of My State, and then I don't care.) And I also know all about the supply room on the Hill were I take more tax dollars and buy office supplies. I now have lables for all the colors of the rainbow.

It would be more interesting to talk about it when it happened more recently, but when I get home, I'm so tired, all I want to do is drink some form of alcohol and sleep. I don't even watch TV. I have no idea what Buffy's been up to.

I'll try not to fall off the planet again. At least it was for a good reason.

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