User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: New Address! New Apartment!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Address! New Apartment!

Hooray! On my one year anniversary of moving to DC (or close enough for government work) I will be moving into the apartment that I would have liked to have had a year ago.

The job I want, the apartment I want, a boyfriend who treats me with kindness and respect... the only other thing on my list this year is winning the lottery. (And talking at least one of about seven people to move to DC. You know who you are, and things are going my way right now. Consider yourself warned).

I like this feeling.

PS - My new roommate also has a little Yorkie so small that it could fit inside my purse with room to spare. But it's cute and well behaved (and even when it makes a mess on the floor, it's about a teaspoon.) Thus, I also get to play with a dog/love object in my spare time. (HA! "Spare Time"). I'm quite excited.


Can I come play with the puppy?
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