User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Music Drive

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Music Drive

I am once again in desperate need of new music to listen to at work.

So it's again time for the Summer(Whoops, Fall) Music Drive!

Winner receives a frosty beverage.

(Confidential to RH: When you return to this country, I'll give you your beverage even if I have to FedEx it).

Not like that's really stopped us before. I mean, what?

As long as the rum is frosty. We must ahere to the terms of the agreement. Perhaps I will also buy you a large amount of Frosty Coca Cola (a la Sagen/Shoup) to mix with the Rum...
How exactly does this work?

And can I get a frosty orange juice?
I am assuming that last comment was from The Whitley?
I also assume it is from The Whitley. But as she has not offered song suggestions, I may be forced to conclude that I have another friend who drinks orange juice like it is going out of style.
Yes, it is me.

However, I was unclear as to how these songs should be presented. Do you want a mix CD or just me listing the songs out for you here or in an email?

It is all very confusing. I need my orange juice.
You can just tell me the names of the songs, but keep in mind that you get bonus points if I don't have to shell out a dollar a song. I'm not technically savvy enough to figure out how not to pay for them (and I think that illegal downloading is the pot of the 2000s - yes, it's illegal but no one really cares. And I have never illegally downloaded anything because I can't figure out how. I did not inhale) so mix CDs or mp3 file transfers to my gmail are preferred, but not required.

Oh, and one of my interns saw my notes from a list of songs that Rachel gave me, and brought me four burned CDs of quality music. There is a lot of catching up to be done.
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