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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Not Blogging

All the cool kids are doing it.

Seriously, there's really nothing new. To prove it, as my office does every week, here is my 5x5:

Top 5 Priorities for This WeeK:
1. Do laundry so that I have clean underwear / dry cleaning for clean suits.
2. Sleep.
3. Work.
4. Avoid Mr. Picky and his Truffle-Eating Girlfriend.
5. Send in Application for new apartments / visit more new apartments

Top 5 Accomplishments for Last Week:
1. Did not wear the same suit multiple times in one week.
2. Got Paid. Twice.
3. Turned in my Health Care insurance forms.
4. Managed not to piss anyone off while still explaining that our flaming-pinko-commie-illegal-immigrant-hating office wasn't going get any tickets to let constituents visit the White House. Ever.
5. Spent time at the Boy's pool and did not burn myself.

Can I pretend to be one of your constituents when I'm in DC so that I can visit the White House (for the third time)? Or maybe I could get a pass to watch the House or the Senate. I mean, it's not every day that I've got the hookup in a Congressman's office.
No White House tickets. Everything else I can do for you. I can't even get one ticket for my skin-cancer survivng friend who lost her left eye due to complications of cancer into the White House. This White House hates me.

Everything else I can do.
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