User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: It's Warm, and I'm Lazy

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It's Warm, and I'm Lazy

So I'm playing on the internets rather than walking outside. Sweating is for ... people who have to go outside. The bonus is that unlike being bored at work (happens often) and playing on the internets, when I'm at home, I can post what I find without fear of getting in trouble.

-Side note: I believe that I have now successfully blocked this site from the Google Searching Borg. The necessity of this saddened me greatly, as it is really funny to know that someone stumbled onto your blog for a random search. But alas, I got tired of people that I work with warning me about blogging. (Like I'm the only one). But for those of you that were paying attention back then, the reason that the sex-scandal goddess Washingtonienne got fired from her Hill job was because she was blogging from work computers. We all know that it was just a farce, she was being fired for having sex with high-level federal officials and taking money from them, but that's not a legal reason. Misuse of computers is a reason. Hence the blockage.

But back to the original thing I was linking to: Senator Tom Coburn, a conservative senator from Oklahoma, knows all about sex and wants to share. Be sure and read through to the bottom of the article. That's the best part.

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