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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hobo Diaries: One of These Days, Mr. Picky, One of These Days

I think part of my problem with Mr. Picky is that we do not speak the same language. Apparently, he asked me to do something last week, only, he actually didn't. But now he's mad that I didn't do it. And I think he's a fucktard.

Every weekend, either I or my now ex-roommate are supposed to vacuum the foyer and the stairs leading into our apartment. Two weeks ago, it was her turn, which was excellent since I was in California. But apparently, she didn't do it, which led to the conversation with Mr. Picky upon my return, when I foolishly decided to play on my computer in the living room rather than in my bedroom with the lights off and the door closed.

I though the conversation was about who's week it was. HE apparently thought it was about asking me to do it since it hadn't been done. So I kept saying things like, "We rotate weeks, and I thought it was neat that for the week that I would be gone, it would be her turn." And he kept saying things back like, "Yeah, it's not really a big deal, it takes like two minutes." It was a weird conversation because it really made no sense, because we weren't actually having the same conversation.

It really would have been easy to fix. All he had to do was say, "India, would you vacuum the foyer? I know it isn't your week, but it hasn't been done yet and I'm a crazy fucker with hyperactive OCD and I can't stand to think that it's dirty but I can't lower myself to vacuum it myself." No version of this sentence was present in the conversation, so I maintain that I cannot be blamed for not doing it.

And then he said that he was a little irritated that I hadn't volunteered to help him clean the kitchen or the living room. A) I never use the living room because I avoid him and B) does he think I'm crazy too? I get yelled at for poorly cleaning the things I'm supposed to clean, no way am I opening myself up for more of that. Clean it yourself, you crazy fuck.

It's raining today, so he can't go work, so he has to find things to do, and apparently, minutely inspecting the apartment is one of them. Once I take a bath, I'm so out of here.

I think he's a closet case. At least, he told me that he needed to get another girlfriend so that when he buys "gay" things from Ikea, he can tell people that she left them there.

I will probably laugh about it later, unless I do something that I'll later be ashamed of. (And it is entirely possible that I will. I wonder what will happen if I take a shower sans curtain and just leave the puddle on the floor... He checks our bathroom constantly...
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