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Monday, March 21, 2005

Let's Live Forever!

Slate has an article today about some kook who wants to make it so that we don't age and that we don't die. Now, here's the real kicker: is this a good thing?

I'm of the opinion that it is not. I don't think that getting older has to be a bad thing, and the funny thing is, I think that most people agree, except for the physical appearance thing. And it might be because I'm 22, and I know that I'm going to keep all my hair, but I don't think that the physical appearance thing is such a big deal. If 50 year old people looked like they were 25, I'd be freaked out.

But seriously. I think the life cycle exists for a reason, and it would be a lot more useful to enjoy each part that to wish for the other stuff back. In Greek mythology, the reason the gods meddled in human affairs is that the gods were bored. Eternally young, eternally beautiful, eternally arrogant, the gods were bored and had to make mischief among people who could die. I think dying and the knowing that this is temporary is what makes sentient life different/better from/than anything else.

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