User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Witnesseth the PTC

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Witnesseth the PTC

Okay, so just like in the IAT test where they find that people who spend a lifetime fighting a particular kind of bigotry tend to have that same prejudice, I now give you the Parental Television Council's rejected complaints to the FCC. My favorite:
"The Next Joe Millionaire," October 28, 2003, 8 p.m. EST: the complaint alleges that a character says "fuck off." Based on our review of the tape, however, this description is inaccurate in that no character appears to utter the quoted language.
This cracks me up. They are so paranoid over there at the PTC that they start imagining foul language. Also funny: complaints over a cartoon character's naked butt. Please. Can we spend that money on something useful like, oh, I don't know, the deficit?

(Hat Tip: Charlie)

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