User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: The Weirdest Thing Ever

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Weirdest Thing Ever

It's snowing today in DC, which is sort of fascinating me. I have wasted far too much time staring out of the window looking at the falling snow. See, snow like this is not usual where I come from, as this is definitely more than enough snow to make a small dirt colored snow blob.

I spent the first chunk of my life on the East Coast of Florida, where there were many seagulls. We lived by the ocean, seagulls were a part of life. It was also very warm there, so I tend to think of seagulls as a warm climate thing. Seagulls, margaritas, flip-flops, sand, and bikinis are all warm weather objects.

There are definitely seagulls in DC, which I tend to think is odd anyway, but today they are out flying around calling to each other in the falling snow. This is weirding me out. (Were I more gifted with that thing they call "writing ability" I would make up a conversation between these two seagulls that keep trying to sit on the top of the 7/11 like they always do. Only, they can't, because it's snowing. But they keep trying. Diligence.) Seagulls in a snowstorm.

And now I need to go duct tape the cracks in the windows so that the wind stays outside where it belongs. (With the seagulls, apparently.)

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