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Sunday, January 09, 2005

Hobo Diaries: I Hereby Resolve

I did not make any Resolutions for the New Year, since I couldn't think of anything worthwile to do for a year. And, who knows where I'll be a year from now? Instead, I made Until-I-Get-Employed Resolutions, or rather, Resolution, since there's really only one.
No Drinking Until Official Employment
And then I'm going out to get smashed. Gray areas: Liquor already in the house, and liquor bought for me with no expectations of payback.

It's been a week, and I've already come to the somewhat disturbing conclusion that this is going to be harder than I thought. Aside from the explaining a thousand times that I'm not drinking, (Yes, I know this is a bar. No, I really don't want you to buy me a drink out of pity) I really want to drink. I want a glass of wine when I get off the phone with Cingular. I want a beer while watching basketball. I want to partake of the pitcher of beer at the bar. I want to drink the Wild Turkey someone gave us because they didn't want it (Seriously, someone did not want their mostly full bottle of Wild Turkey. Clearly, we said, "Gobble, gobble"). One of my friends drunken-dialed me, and I thought wistfully, "I wish I were drunk, that sounds like fun." I want to drink not only for the taste, but for the warm, fuzzy happy feeling. This concerns me.

Alcohol and I did not begin our serious relationship until two years ago. We dabbled a bit before that, like at my uncle's wedding back in '84 and with the vacuum back in '98, but nothing serious until Band Punch brought us together. So while I'm not ready to call this relationship quits, I might have found my Resolution for 2006.

You are not ending your relationship with alcohol. You've just decided that the two of you should maybe spend some time apart. Heck, it's not even like you want to start seeing other people, but when you spend so much time together, you have to take a break some times. Just tell your alcohol, "It's not you, it's me."
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