Thursday, December 09, 2004
The Holidays At The Mansion
T'was the night before jail, and all through the mansion
Not a person was sober, they all were still dancin'...
The mystery shot sat on the table with care,
Waiting to ruin the people who dared.
The neighbors were sleeping all snug in their beds
While the young professionals took shots that went straight to their heads.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch see what was the matter...
Away to the keg I ran like a flash,
Only one more keg stand and, "Boy, I'll be trashed!".
When what to my wasted eyes should appear
But Santa and some F#$%&* up Reindeer.
He slurred and stumbled and called them by name...
"Now Bourbon, now Whiskey, Tequilla, and Gin,
On Scotch, on Jager, So-Co, and Beer..."
(We're a jug of Carlo Rossi in...did that rhyme?)
Dressed in festive attire, I heard him exclaim as he passed out of sight,
"Feliz Navidad to all...and damn! that was a great night at
[address deleted], Washington DC, 20016 on December 11th, at 8 PM."
-composed by the collective residents of The Mansion