User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Hobo Diaries: Yet Another Sucky Vacuum

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hobo Diaries: Yet Another Sucky Vacuum

I have been reducing to cleaning.

This happened sometimes at Vandy where there was aaaaaaaaalllll this work I had to do, and I didn't really want to do it, so I'd go clean the kitchen, or my closet, or something. Well, again, I have plenty of stuff to do (write cover letters, go to the Hill, shower, call the landlord because there is an interesting liquid substance under the burners on the stove upstairs that starts to smoke when you turn them on) and I don't really want to get started. I blame it on the rain, and yesterday was overcast, so I haven't really made forward progress since...before the Marketing Incident. And that was a while ago. I really should get on that.

The problem is that at Vandy, while the kitchen did need to be cleaned, it was nothing compared to the occasional state of The Mansion. Six or seven people officially live here, and at least that many wander in and out on a daily basis. That's a lot of people, and things just get messed up very easily. And unlike Mayfield 5, which had at least as many people, there are no Dish Nazis (or Naken Men - I miss them), no signs, and worst of all, no one to come clean the toilet. So I've nominated myself to do these things. Don't tell my mother, she'll make me do more chores when I go home to visit.

So while part of the cleaning is procrastination, part of it is a desire to rid the downstairs kitchen of whatever muck makes my socks stick to the floor. So I swept the kitchen and mopped it, and while that was drying, I attempted to rid the stairs of some fine collections of spider webs in the corners. I decided to give up when I started picking up the dust bunnies and forceaby stuffing them into the vacuum cleaner because it wasn't sucking up the dust bunnies properly. It reminded me of the J Crew Rocket Pack Vacuum Cleaner that "Really Sucks" according to my boss ... because it doesn't suck well. And she wasn't being funny, she just didn't see the oh-so-obvious pun. I wish I had kept that originial email. It was one of my finer pieces of work.

I'm definitely perfecting my housekeeping skills, but I wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing. In a related story, before Thanksgiving, I did Chad's laundry for $30. Again, good thing or bad thing? I was fully shod while doing the laundry, and I got paid. Forward progress for my personal feminism or backwards?

I'm debating buying a mu-mu and sponge rollers.

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