Thursday, December 09, 2004
Dueling on K Street
Not satisfied to merely retire from the Senate, everyone's favorite Knight in Shinning Armor, Zell Miller, is taking a job as a lobbist. I would not want to be lobbied by Zell Miller, I'd be too afraid he'd shoot me. But I suppose that's good for the firm Zell is lobbing for.
In a related note, why on Earth would you name your child "Zell". No wonder he's an angry man. I'd be angry too. And I share a name with a subcontinent/ third world country with nukes/ a bitchy blonde wench in Gone With The Wind.
In a related note, why on Earth would you name your child "Zell". No wonder he's an angry man. I'd be angry too. And I share a name with a subcontinent/ third world country with nukes/ a bitchy blonde wench in Gone With The Wind.