User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Election Return Live Blogging

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Return Live Blogging

5:04 - Yay voting!
5:07 - Mississippi has not yet been called. This is the most reliable sign of Kerry victory yet. Do I expect Kerry to win Mississippi? No way. However, the fact that it hasn't been called yet is awesome.
5:08 - Barack Obama is the projected winner. I love this man. Clearly, Jesus voted for Barack Obama.
5:11 - North Carolina is in play? I thought that was a Red State too... Go John Kerry!
5:13 - Oops. NBC just showed me the wrong graphic. Apparently, the new Dem Gov of West Virginia looks like President Bush...
5:18 - David Letterman said "Nader"! He loses Gwen Ifill's game!
5:21 - Red = Bush, Blue = Kerry, if you didn't know this by now, you really haven't been paying attention. Though I do like the on-the-screen doodling a la football.
5:22 - Nader has 0% of the vote in Florida with 9,000 votes. Douche.
5:26 - I just saw Alabama where Kerry apparently had 49% of the vote. That has to be wrong, so what the hell am I watching?
5:28 - Vanessa Kerry just winked at David Letterman!
5:31 - North Carolina and South Carolina for Bush, according to NBC, making B:89, K: 77
5:33 - The Spanish news channel says Mississippi is for Bush, B:94, K:77.
5:37 - I'm not sure I can do this all night. I might have to go see a movie or pack a suitcase or just do something else...
5:42 - 102 for Bush. Where are those Rolaids?
5:43 - Well, New York State hasn't been counted yet. I'll hold off yet.
6:01 - Bust 155, Kerry 112, though I don't know what else we've called. Keeping up is hard.
6:05 - Amendment 36 in Colorado has failed. I don't blame them.
6:31 - 1% for Nader in Florida. Douche.
7:17 - Ohioda. I love the Daily Show.
8:01 - definitely buzzed. And PA is my new favorite state. After Ohioda.
8:46 - I can't handle any more of these GOP operatives telling me that they actually did win PA. Time for the HEAVY, heavy drinking.
9:37 - I can't do this more than once every four years...
10:50 - I've switched to "He's a Lady". Much more relaxing. And plenty of Evan Williams...
11:13 - Hey, what happened to the Youth Vote? VOTE OR DIE? WTF? I was counting on you and your cell phones. What the hell. Seriously. I'm ashamed of all you young people that didn't vote.
11:45 - It just occured to me that tomorrow is my last day in CA. I should get on that packing thing. Maybe I should do that instead of chewing my nails...
12:50 - I give up. Ohio is too close to call, Iowa went home because it's tired, Wisonsin isn't in, NV isn't in, NM isn't in. I still believe, but I also realize that the rest of my life [my move to Canada] starts too soon to have time to waste sleeping in, so I should go to bed. I'm really glad this only happens every four years. I want to live to be an old lady...

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