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Monday, November 08, 2004

AOL's Bad

Okay, you know those awful AOL commercials? The ones where all the members tell them how to make the Internets better and the management just goes "okay, great idea!" Well, I hate them, and apparently, I'm not the only one.

Slate does a ad campaign report card, which I love because I would like to make commercials myself someday. And they dislike the AOL thing too. Money quote:
The mom ad is bad because it's cringe-making. She's whiny and irritating, with a high-pitched bray of a voice. Her haircut is dreadful. Also, she requests Orwellian spy tools to invade her children's privacy—chat room "monitoring," and a report card assessing her kid's behavior on the Web. Meanwhile, she roughly plops said kid in the lap of a complete stranger (so she can deliver this manifesto unencumbered). As a friend indelicately put it: "I wish she were handing that baby to me, so I could throw it through the plate-glass window."
I completely concur. Just thought I'd share.

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