User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Taking Care of Bidness

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Taking Care of Bidness

So I had a job interview today that sort of came out of nowhere. The guy found my resume online and called me even though I have a DC address and he's in Redondo Beach...15 minutes from my parents' house. So I went. Good interviewing experience if nothing else.

It's an international translating company called InterLingua. (No website.) Basically, they translate things, but that wouldn't be my job. My job would be to work with the customers and find the people who do the translating. I think...

They also want me to commit to work long time, which I don't think is fair/possible. I will go back to school eventually, so I don't think I can take that job based on that fact alone.


There were at least nine yellow rubber ducks on the Macintosh computers in various offices. I can't help but think that the Universe is trying to speak to me.

I'll have to think about it.

How long to they want you to commit to?

An unspecified amount of time. More than two years.
Dammit Blogger! That was not supposed to be Anonymous. Clearly, I posted that.
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