Monday, October 11, 2004
Obama Watch
He's Coming to Los Angeles!!! Barak Obama, my favorite politician ever, is coming to LA for a fundraiser!
Too bad I'm not swanky enough to attend. Things to do: Find when and where he will be, make sign, find parking, stand outside and jump around like an idiot.
Carrying his verbal assault on President Bush beyond state lines, Obama will fly to Los Angeles this week for a Democratic fundraiser and address rallies in Colorado and Nevada for John F. Kerry. In a close presidential race where turnout could prove decisive, Obama said in an interview that he is talking with Kerry advisers about where he can be most effective in the campaign's final days.
Too bad I'm not swanky enough to attend. Things to do: Find when and where he will be, make sign, find parking, stand outside and jump around like an idiot.