Friday, October 08, 2004
It's Good To Be In DC (or so they tell me)
Who loved the "This Land Is My Land" song by I did! I did! And now, there's a new song up, called It's Good To Be In DC, sung to the tune of what I think is supposed to be "Dixie," but it's rather tortured. Definitely not as good as the first one, but then, it couldn't be. Bush didn't call himself a "Right-Wing Nutjob" and Kerry didn't refer to himself as a "Liberal Wiener"...or tell us he had three purple hearts. But it's still worth the 30 seconds of your life to watch it. You can also buy the DVD with both songs for 10 bucks, which I don't really think is worth it without deleted scenes, or a making the video section.
I do love the Internet. The dotcom bubble may have burst, but it left behind a vehicle for smart, bored people to create off the wall things that amuse me and make the world more fun.
I do love the Internet. The dotcom bubble may have burst, but it left behind a vehicle for smart, bored people to create off the wall things that amuse me and make the world more fun.