User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Ho Hum

Monday, October 18, 2004

Ho Hum

So, I'm supposed to be doing background checks on all the employees at work today, but the police folks haven't emailed me the necessary information to get started, so I'm left to make my own fun.

So I decided to play around with my site meter thing, and I have discovered that some pool soul found my blog after Googling "Is Karl Rove Married." I am absolutely thrilled.

And naturally, I promptly google'd the same thing. I found plenty of things talking about Rove and Valerie Plume, the CIA undercover agent that "accidently" got revealed to Robert Novak, who then published it in his weekly column. Finally, after 9 pages, I found this, which is the most I could find about his family. Alas, I never found my own blog in that particular search, so I have no idea how that happened.

UPDATE: When you put "" around "Is Karl Rove Married" my blog is the ONLY one you'll find. I'm awesome.

Two Answers:

-I don't know. Ask Joel.

-Yes. That also came up on the google for Karl Rove. I was quite bummed that show did not have a second season. And I concur.
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