User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: Archives Are Fun

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Archives Are Fun

From the Washington Post, via Wonkette, via the rescued Washingtonienne blog, an article that has befuddled me. I'm torn between "Hmm...spreadsheet, like the one I use to track my resumes" and "Holy Shit. Never Will I Ever." and "Tounge ring?"

Do I kiss and tell? Abso-fucking-lutely (pun intended), though significantly after the fact. And then only when it's relevent.

Conclusion: The Score Sheet, if kept at all, will not be on this blog. My mother and my [now former-whoopee!] boss have this address. They don't check it regularly, but still. It's like Away Messages. The one time they check it is when I've put up the Jimmy Buffet Away Message: Gone to Get Drunk and Screw. In other words, Bad Plan.

Hi Mom.

Things I noticed:

"'Hooked up' is a deliberately vague term coined by this generation to mean anything from serious kissing to intercourse."
-- Yes, we coined the term specifically for that reason. We all got together five years ago and decided we would use "hooked up" to confuse grownups as to the extent of our sexual relationships.

I have (and I'm sure you have as well) a reasonably good idea of all our friends' "Magic Number," and I don't think that's particularly bizarre. At one point last year, Iz and I added up all of our friends' Numbers to see if they were as high as the Number of exactly one of our mutual friends.

Love the commenting about "weird teeth" or "future med student," although I too wouldn't be keeping it in a spreadsheet. That's a little too OCD even for me.

By the way, I don't remember either of our "kissing-and-tellings" being significantly after the fact.
Well, Joel, you are in a category all by yourself. You get different rules.
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