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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Another Non Political Post - and on a Debate Day!

So, a while back, I bought a guitar for a penny on eBay. I figured guitar was easier than Spanish as a summertime occupation of my free time. But I have run into some problems.

First of all, I have short fingers. It's difficult to reach all the strings on the fretboard without accidentally touching other strings. I'm working on it, as the short fingers haven't stopped me before, they just present a lovely obstacle.

A bigger problem is some of these fingerings. Example: I'm trying to play a Bm chord, and the chart I'm using has me mash down all 6 strings in different places. I do not have 6 fingers. I sort of figured out how to mash 3 strings with one finger, but then the other three strings still have to get mashed and the stubs won't reach. Clearly I am not the only short fingered person to ever attempt this instrument, so there is a solution to be found. Transposing is also an option, I suppose, but avoiding chords doesn't seem like the way to go.

I wish there was a way I could work on this while at work, but that would be sort of difficult.

Comments: (there is a better one but the link is at home)

For Bm, hold down the second fret with your pointer finger (you can even anchor it with your middle finger), then hold down strings 2 and 3 with your ring and pinky fingers, respectively.

I, too, have short fingers. It actually doesn't matter too much; you just have to learn how to stretch and that comes in time.
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