User-agent: * Disallow: / Hurricane I: The Only Rational Argument Left for Vietnam

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Only Rational Argument Left for Vietnam

In the Washington Post by E.J. Dionne, Jr:

"I'm as weary as you are that our politics veer away from what matters -- Iraq, terrorism, health care, jobs -- and get sidetracked into personal issues manufactured by political consultants and ideological zealots. But the Bush campaign has made clear it wants this election to focus on character and leadership. If character is the issue, the president's life, past and present, matters just as much as John Kerry's."

And then, only if it matters to people who still haven't made up their minds. The Democratic base is an energized as it is going to get, Bush-bashing just for the hell of it, is rather Republicanesque circa 1993, and I don't want to see my party come to that end.

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