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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Al Gore, Sighs, Shakes Head Sadly

Part of the New Era of Crazy (I'm not linking to myself, just scroll) is the Lowering Of Expectations Game, where the campaigns abruptly shift from screaming about how awesome their candidate is to how much he sucks at debating. The logic is, if you beat expectations, then you win the debate. (If only my debate experience had been like that, er, wait... I liked having "street cred" - the immortal words of my partner.) Since it is the last month of the campaign, and everyone calls all hands on deck Al Gore offers some well chosen words:

While George Bush's campaign has made "lowering expectations" into a high art form, the record is clear - he's a skilled debater who uses the format to his advantage. There is no reason to expect any less this time around. And if anyone truly has "low expectations" for an incumbent president, that in itself is an issue.

Ouch. Before I knew it was Mr. Gore penning that piece, I was really surprised that a mere journalist would have big enough balls to say something that blunt.

All in all, I'm glad to see Al back in the political arena. He's a very smart man, and think he could have done great things for this country. I always thought he was a better governer than campaigner, but it is rare when good campaigners make good public officials. I hope Al figures out what to do with the rest of his days. He should talk to Jimmy Carter.

(Hat tip: Wonkette)

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